SpiralScouts TM   International

"Briefly stated, the purpose [of SpiralScouts] is to provide

opportunities for young people to fulfill their

potential as caring, responsible individuals

through informal activities in a spiritual, 

open, and loving atmosphere that celebrates their diversity."

- Pete "PathFinder" Davis

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Quick Links

  • 1. Find a Charter near you

    View our Charter Map, to see current charters.  Hearths are single family charters and Circles are multi-family charters. You can email a Circle Leader to find out how to join their chartered Circle or ask a HearthKeeper to grow their charter to a Circle if you are looking for scouting community with them.

  • 2. Volunteer or Start a Charter

    No matter the level at which you volunteer, know that you are needed! 

    Want to start your own chartered single family Hearth or multi-family Circle?  

    Click Here to Begin

  • 3. Virtual Circle Registration

    Don't have a charter local to you?  Not ready to start you own charter? Already have a scout registered in a charter but looking for more Scouting opportunities?  Youth can get involved virtually as part of our monthly Virtual Circle meetings with Grand Spiral Circle #500.

    Register to join Grand Spiral Circle #500, virtual meetings.

  • 4. HQ & A Meeting - Wednesdays

    Join our weekly virtual meeting on Wednesdays at 7pm PST if you need realtime answers to any questions regarding participation in SpiralScouts, chartering, etc.

  • 5. Donate

    Please click here to donate to this wonderful program or scan the QR code below.

A black and white qr code on a white background.

Find out more about SpiralScouts in our recent interview on Seeking Witchcraft Podcast by clicking the image above.

A poster for spiral scouts season 6 episode 1 seeking witchcraft

Hike-A-Thon 2025

Hiking for a Better Future summer fundraiser is HERE!

S P I R A L S C O U T S ™ INTERNATIONAL 2025 Hike-A-Thon is an effort to raise funds for local charters. This is your chance to work on your Far Trekker and Hiking Badges, and to show your presence in your community by hiking a total of your choosing, 25 Miles or 50 kilometers (31 miles) this summer.


Spiral Scouts International

The SpiralScouts™ International purpose is to provide opportunities for young people to fulfill their potential as caring responsible individuals through informal activities in a spiritual, open, and loving atmosphere that celebrates their diversity.



Mother Earth is a symbol of the planet itself and the community of beings inhabiting this planet. We are deeply concerned with the ethics of personal and global responsibility, ecological principles and protection of our environment and planet. Environmentalism is more than just recycling. Ultimately, it is a recognition of our membership in the more-than-human world.

Spiral Curriculum

Our program is designed to provide foundational work which is expanded upon as Scouts grow. It is created to be flexible to meet the developmental needs of the each and every Scout at all their life stages. 


Our Charters are created to be flexible to meet the needs of each and every Scout.
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